Small Area Plans

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One of the primary tools to guide development within Activity Centers is through the use of Small Area Plans (SAPs). These plans allow policy makers and the community to guide development, policies, and investments at a much finer level of detail than can be provided in the overall comprehensive plan.

These plans support the general vision, policies, and goals of the community, while allowing for a greater degree of detail in guiding development. SAPs may include additional policies, tailored to the area to shape development. They can include elements such as design guidelines, standards for transitions in development intensities and uses, additional standards for mixed use, investments in infrastructure and connectivity as well as greater opportunities for input from local residents and businesses.

SAPs can take a variety of forms, such as Livable Center Initiatives (LCIs), Master Active Living Plans (MALPs), Corridor Plans, Arts & Culture Plans or TOD plans, and are the primary tool by which the county intends to shape development in Activity Centers and along Commercial Redevelopment Corridors.

Click the cards below to learn more!
Stone Mountain PATH Trail icon
Presidential Parkway Icon with Spaghetti Junction in the background
Memorial Drive Revitalization Icon

One of the primary tools to guide development within Activity Centers is through the use of Small Area Plans (SAPs). These plans allow policy makers and the community to guide development, policies, and investments at a much finer level of detail than can be provided in the overall comprehensive plan.

These plans support the general vision, policies, and goals of the community, while allowing for a greater degree of detail in guiding development. SAPs may include additional policies, tailored to the area to shape development. They can include elements such as design guidelines, standards for transitions in development intensities and uses, additional standards for mixed use, investments in infrastructure and connectivity as well as greater opportunities for input from local residents and businesses.

SAPs can take a variety of forms, such as Livable Center Initiatives (LCIs), Master Active Living Plans (MALPs), Corridor Plans, Arts & Culture Plans or TOD plans, and are the primary tool by which the county intends to shape development in Activity Centers and along Commercial Redevelopment Corridors.

Click the cards below to learn more!
Stone Mountain PATH Trail icon
Presidential Parkway Icon with Spaghetti Junction in the background
Memorial Drive Revitalization Icon

Page last updated: 06 Dec 2023, 08:25 AM