Presidential Pkwy/ Embry Hills

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The Presidential Pkwy/ Embry Hill study will include an analysis of existing conditions that impact the ability to create a livable, pedestrian friendly environment associated with the boundary of the study.

The focus of the assessment and analysis will include the following:

  • Review road crossings, driveway locations, connections to destinations such as schools, parks, shopping opportunities, crash data at relevant locations, sidewalk conditions, transit facilities and existing traffic counts
  • An existing land use and demographic analysis
  • An analysis of retail and neighborhood services
  • An analysis of viable locations for public art investment (including, but not limited to: crosswalks, county right-of-way walls, intersection controller cabinets, custom signage, etc.)

The Presidential Pkwy/ Embry Hill study will include an analysis of existing conditions that impact the ability to create a livable, pedestrian friendly environment associated with the boundary of the study.

The focus of the assessment and analysis will include the following:

  • Review road crossings, driveway locations, connections to destinations such as schools, parks, shopping opportunities, crash data at relevant locations, sidewalk conditions, transit facilities and existing traffic counts
  • An existing land use and demographic analysis
  • An analysis of retail and neighborhood services
  • An analysis of viable locations for public art investment (including, but not limited to: crosswalks, county right-of-way walls, intersection controller cabinets, custom signage, etc.)
Page last updated: 21 Jun 2023, 07:12 AM