Electric Charging Stations Text Amendment

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The ordinance regulating electric charging stations has been proposed by the DeKalb County Board of Commissioners. The proposal affects Chapter 27 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Code of DeKalb County Ordinances.

Please read the draft ordinance here or read below for key information on the ordinance.

An electric vehicle is defined as a vehicle that is powered entirely or partially by electricity, typically stored in rechargeable batteries, rather than by an internal combustion engine.

Level 2 Charging is a method of charging electric vehicles using 240-volt AC power, typically providing a faster charge than standard household outlets. This level of charging is common in homes and public charging stations.

The ordinance regulating electric charging stations has been proposed by the DeKalb County Board of Commissioners. The proposal affects Chapter 27 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Code of DeKalb County Ordinances.

Please read the draft ordinance here or read below for key information on the ordinance.

An electric vehicle is defined as a vehicle that is powered entirely or partially by electricity, typically stored in rechargeable batteries, rather than by an internal combustion engine.

Level 2 Charging is a method of charging electric vehicles using 240-volt AC power, typically providing a faster charge than standard household outlets. This level of charging is common in homes and public charging stations.


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Page last updated: 02 Aug 2024, 12:16 PM