What is World Planning Day?

    World Planning Day is celebrated every November 08th. Planners and communities all over the world come together to celebrate how good planning improves the lives of people and benefits society at large, creating places where to live, work and play together.

    Argentinian professor Carlos María della Paolera, a graduate at the Institut d'urbanisme in Paris, started World Town Planning Day in Buenos Aires in 1949.

    World Planning Day is celebrated in 30 countries on four continents each November. It is a special day to recognize and promote the role of planners and planners in creating healthy, prosperous communities.

    What is the history of World Planning Day in DeKalb County?

    In 2018, DeKalb County Planning and Sustainability hosted its first World Planning Day event. The event was held at the Manuel J Maloof Conference Center. 

    Why should I attend?

    World Planning Day is an excellent opportunity to connect with the Planning and Sustainability Department and different organizations around DeKalb County. Most importantly, those who attend will learn how to implement tactical urbanism in their community. We hope that this event will provide the community with information about planning, sustainability, and resources available to the public. 

    Where is the event located?

    World Planning Day 2023 is being celebrated at 178 Sams St, Decatur GA 30030. Our building is conveniently located near the Avondale MARTA Station (5 minute walk) as well as along the Decatur Greenway PATH Trail (6 minute walk). 

    For those arriving by vehicle, parking is available on-site. Signage will be posted directing traffic to the visitor parking area. 

    When should I arrive to the event?

    World Planning Day 2023 is an all-day event (9 AM to 3 PM.) We will be hosting a variety of workshops and classes throughout the event, so for those interested, make time to arrive prior to a workshop you want to attend. Otherwise, guests are invited to attend till closing. 

    What is the theme for this year's event?

    The theme for World Planning Day 2023 is Tactical Urbanism in the Built Environment.

    What is Tactical Urbanism?

    "Tactical Urbanism is all about action. Also known as DIY Urbanism, Planning-by-Doing, Urban Acupuncture, or Urban Prototyping, this approach refers to a city, organizational, and/or citizen-led approach to neighborhood building using short-term, low-cost, and scalable interventions to catalyze long-term change.' (tacticalurbanismguide.com/about)