What is a Workforce Housing unit "WHU"?

    A ("WHU") is a dwelling unit that a household earning between 60%  and 120% percent of the county's medium household income.  

    Will developers be able to get any priority permitting for this project?

    Yes due to the urgency of affordable housing needed in the County. 

    What type of areas has DeKalb County considered for Workforce Housing?

    Dekalb plans on using Activity Centers which are identified as:  Regional Center, Town Center, and Neighborhood Center.   

    What accomplishes a density bonus?

    (1) A reduction in min required on-site or off-street parking spaces.

    (2) A reduction in min unit size (i.e., sq ft of heated floor area).

    (3) An increase in max lot coverage.

    (4) A reduction in min setbacks.

    (5) An increase in max bldg. height. 

    What shall approved site plans and/or subdivision plats identify?

    (1) The number and/or percentage of for-sale units and/or units for rent which are to be designated as WFH units. 

    (2) The specific WFH units within the development which will be available for-sale and/or for rent to eligible households. 

    (3) The number of each type of unit, by bedroom count, square footage, dimensions, and/or other descriptive feature, which shall be made available for WFH. 

    What does a priority in county reviews consists of?

    (1)  The issuance of permits for and the scheduling of inspections for, all developments that include WFH allocation pursuant to the requirements of the division. 

    (2) The Department of Watershed Management shall prioritize the processing of sewer capacity requests for all developments that include a WFH allocation pursuant to the requirements of the division. 

    When shall construction be made available for WFH units?

    Workforce Housing shall be constructed and made available for occupancy at the same time as market rate units.