What is Zoning?

    The purpose of zoning is to guide and regulate the orderly growth, development, redevelopment and preservation of DeKalb County in accordance with a well-considered comprehensive plan and with long-term objectives, principles and standards that will benefit the interest and welfare of County citizens. In DeKalb County the zoning ordinance is the comprehensive set of regulations that control the type and intensity of uses of private property.  It also regulates the size, location, and height of buildings. The zoning code is the most important of the many tools the County uses to regulate land use and development.  Development must comply with all applicable ordinances.  

    What is a Zoning District?

    A city or county can be legally divided into areas or zones.  These zoning districts can specify the uses and dimensional requirements allowable for the property in these areas.  

    What is an Overlay District?

    An Overlay District is a planning implementation tool that provides flexibility to the existing underlying zoning designations.  It also regulates prohibited uses, permitted uses, and urban design guidelines to enhance the aesthetics of structures.  

    What Is the Goal of the Memorial Drive Overlay District?

    The goal of the Memorial Drive Overlay District is to enhance the long-term economic viability of the Memorial Drive Corridor by encouraging additional investment and creating employment opportunities. It will be a zoning tool used for the implementation of visioning studies.

    What areas will be included in the Memorial Drive Overlay District? How were they selected?

    The Memorial Drive Overlay District includes areas along Memorial Drive extending from Covington Highway east to Hambrick Road. The Overlay District includes the following six areas or “Tiers”:

     Tier 1: Covington Gateway
    • Tier 2: DeKalb Business & Lifestyle Center
    • Tier 3: Indian Creek Wellness Community
    • Tier 4: Memorial Gateway
    • Tier 5: Cultural & Educational Center
     •    Tier 6: Hambrick Film & Entertainment Area

     When observed from east to west, the six Tiers create one Overlay District as shown in the following map. 

    The Memorial Drive corridor has been the subject of many plans and studies such as the Covington Highway Master Active Living Plan, the Indian Creek Master Active Living Plan, the Kensington Livable Centers Initiative, the DeKalb County Comprehensive Land Use Plan and the DeKalb County Comprehensive Transportation Plan. Each plan included citizen involvement and resulted in individual visions and goals. These previous plans and visioning projects serve as the foundation for the Memorial Drive Corridor Overlay District and were the basis for the current area selected.

    How can I be involved?

    Your feedback can be submitted via the online discussion forums, quick polls, forms, and surveys relevant to each of the projects currently open for consultation.

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    • Sign up to the site by clicking on the Sign-Up button on the right 
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