
    Why do I need to register in order to make a comment?

    While registration is not required to view the content of the Engage DeKalb site or to view other people's comments or questions, it is necessary to use many of the more interactive engagement tools offered here. We ask you to register for a few reasons:

    • It helps us better understand if the feedback we receive accurately represents the demographics of our city and see which groups might not be well-represented so we can better target our marketing and promotion efforts.
    • It promotes accountability and encourages people to provide more thoughtful responses because feedback can be attributed to them.
    • It also means that we can send you updates about the projects you engage with and let you know when new projects you might be interested in are posted.

    How do I submit my feedback?

    Each project on Engage DeKalb is a little unique depending upon the engagement level required for that project. Visit the project page that you are interested in and submit your feedback via the online discussion forums, quick polls, forms and surveys for each of the projects currently open for consultation.

    To participate for the first time, simply:

    • Sign up for Engage DeKalb by clicking on the "Sign In" button in the top right of any page
    • Choose a username and password
    • Answer a few quick questions about you
    • You will receive an email to validate your email address
    • Return to the website and click the "Sign In" button

    Can I use Engage DeKalb anonymously?

    Yes. Even when you register and post comments, the only thing that is visible to other users is your Username. If you want to remain anonymous, don't use your actual name as your Username.

    What happens to my feedback/comments?

    All comments, ideas and suggestions are collated and used by the relevant project teams to inform the development of strategies, programs and activities, or to gain an insight into community views and opinions.

    Often, feedback provided online is used in conjunction with other face-to-face engagement activities, such as stakeholder interviews, public meetings/hearings and open houses.

    When a project closes, all feedback/comments are compiled into a report, which will be presented to decision-makers at the City.

    All feedback provided during consultation will be considered; however, this does not mean that every suggestion will affect the project or be adopted as proposed.

    Note: All comments you make through this website will become public records for anyone to read.

    How is the site moderated?

    All public comments or questions on the site are moderated twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, for inappropriate language, comments that disrespect other participants or are significantly off-topic. 

    Moderation is carried out by Bang the Table, the hosting company for this website, and is independent of DeKalb County. The moderators do not edit or alter any comments and will only remove comments deemed to be significantly off-topic, offensive, or malicious. In this case, the comment will be removed from the site immediately and the person who posted the comment will be advised by email.

    Is my privacy protected?

    Yes. Your privacy is absolutely protected and DeKalb County will only use your email to contact you with updates and to invite you to participate in consultations. Your email address will not be distributed to any third party or used for any other purpose. We ask for demographic information as part of your registration for internal use only, to make sure we are reaching out to all populations of our city effectively.  

    Who can I contact about Engage DeKalb?

    Engage DeKalb is managed by the DeKalb County Planning and Sustainability Long Range Division Administrative Specialist.

    If you have any questions about content on this site or the County's public engagement processes, please email nvmarchant@dekalbcountyga.gov